Top 5 Unexpected Twists in Rick and Morty Season 7

Top 5 Unexpected Twists in Rick and Morty Season 7

Explore the surprising turns and unexpected developments in the latest season of Rick and Morty.

A New Spotlight on Summer

Rick and Morty season 7 brought a refreshing change by shining a brighter spotlight on Morty's sister, Summer. In the episode 'Wet Kuat Amortycan Summer,' the series took a delightful detour, giving Summer a central role that she had long been deserving. This quirky adventure not only showcased Summer's potential but also emphasized her compatibility with the show's dynamic duo. It was a delightful shift that added a new dimension to the series.

Summer and Kuato Morty in Rick and Morty season 7

Summer and Kuato Morty in Rick and Morty season 7

The unexpected focus on Summer's character in season 7 was a testament to the show's ability to expand its narrative horizons and explore the untapped potential of its supporting cast. This move broadened the scope of the show and opened up new storytelling avenues, making Summer's presence a welcome addition to the Rick and Morty universe.

An annoyed Rick, a despondent Morty, and an unknown new character stand in a trashed office in Rick and Morty season 7 trailer

An annoyed Rick, a despondent Morty, and an unknown new character stand in a trashed office in Rick and Morty season 7 trailer

Seamless Voice Actor Replacement

One of the most surprising and seamless transitions in season 7 was the replacement of the original voice actors for Morty and Rick. The show's decision to cast relatively unknown actors, Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden, as the new voices for the iconic characters turned out to be a stroke of genius. Their seamless integration into the series without drawing unnecessary attention to the change was a testament to the show's commitment to maintaining its continuity and quality.

Rick facepalms while Rick Prime stands in front of him and a hologram Rick Prime stands behind him in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Rick facepalms while Rick Prime stands in front of him and a hologram Rick Prime stands behind him in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

The subtle and effortless transition between voice actors in season 7 showcased the show's ability to adapt and evolve while staying true to its core identity. It was a surprising and effective move that resonated with fans and demonstrated the show's resilience in the face of challenges.

A bloodied Rick prepares to hit someone in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

A bloodied Rick prepares to hit someone in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Unexpected Resolution of Rick Prime Storyline

In a bold narrative twist, Rick and Morty season 7 defied expectations by resolving the Rick Prime storyline earlier than anticipated. The decision to bring back and ultimately eliminate Rick Prime in the episode 'Unmortricken' marked a significant departure from the conventional storytelling approach. This unexpected turn not only subverted audience expectations but also injected a new level of unpredictability into the series.

Rick Evil Morty and Morty stare angrily in a spaceship in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Rick Evil Morty and Morty stare angrily in a spaceship in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

By addressing the Rick Prime storyline in a surprising and impactful manner, season 7 redefined the trajectory of the show and set the stage for a fresh narrative direction. The unexpected resolution of this long-running arc added depth and complexity to the season, signaling a bold shift in the storytelling dynamics of Rick and Morty.

Rick Prime looking scared with electrodes in his forehead in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Rick Prime looking scared with electrodes in his forehead in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Revival of 'Clip Show' Format

Season 7 of Rick and Morty revived the classic 'Clip show' format in an unexpected and innovative manner. The episode 'Rickfending Your Life' brought back the beloved format with a dark and surprising twist, offering a unique take on the series' trademark storytelling device. This revival of the 'Clip show' format provided a refreshing change of pace and demonstrated the show's ability to reinvent familiar elements in captivating ways.

Morty looks worried beside a blood-soaked Rick in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

Morty looks worried beside a blood-soaked Rick in Rick and Morty season 7 episode 5

The unexpected revival of the 'Clip show' format in season 7 added a layer of nostalgia and creativity to the series, showcasing its willingness to experiment with storytelling techniques while maintaining its distinct identity. It was a surprising and delightful addition to the season, breathing new life into a familiar storytelling device.

Rick is bit by a sentient T shirt as Morty looks on in Rick and Morty season 7

Rick is bit by a sentient T shirt as Morty looks on in Rick and Morty season 7

Empowering Solo Adventures

Season 7 of Rick and Morty broke new ground by exploring solo adventures for the titular characters. The decision to dedicate entire episodes to Morty and Rick individually demonstrated the show's willingness to push the boundaries of its storytelling and character dynamics. These solo adventures provided a fresh perspective on the characters and their individual journeys, adding depth and complexity to their respective arcs.

Rick bursts through a door dressed like Blade in Rick and Morty season 7 trailer

Rick bursts through a door dressed like Blade in Rick and Morty season 7 trailer

The unexpected exploration of solo adventures in season 7 opened up new storytelling possibilities and highlighted the versatility of the show's narrative structure. It was a bold and surprising move that showcased the series' ability to evolve and innovate while maintaining its core essence.

Rick and Morty see a zombie hand in season 7 opening credits

Rick and Morty see a zombie hand in season 7 opening credits



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Editor: Nia

Hi, I'm Nia, an enthusiastic devotee of Japanese anime, manga & game. I cherish the artistry, emotional depth, and fantastical journeys they offer. Join me in exploring these captivating realms where dreams and reality intertwine!

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