Unveiling Marvel's Mythical Deities - Discover the Powerhouses!

Unveiling Marvel's Mythical Deities - Discover the Powerhouses!

Marvel Comics' GODS introduces a fresh and captivating corner of the Marvel Universe With its influential characters, this new addition has the potential to revolutionize the entire Marvel Universe


Marvel's new comic series, G.O.D.S., is making huge waves by rewriting the history of the Marvel Universe as readers know it.

G.O.D.S. #1 introduces new mystic entities and regimes, revealing a conflict between

The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things that has been fought for eons.

As a massive threat approaches, Doctor Strange is thrust into a monumental battle that holds the power to bring significant disaster and transformation to the universe.

Warning: The below text reveals crucial plot details of G.O.D.S. #1, currently available for purchase from Marvel Comics.

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Marvel Comics has been teasing readers with backup stories about the realm of G.O.D.S. for months. Finally, this world has debuted, causing a significant impact on the Marvel Universe. G.O.D.S. not only brings in new governments that exceed expectations, but also introduces a range of characters who may be rewriting history in ways fans have never seen before.

G.O.D.S. #1, created by Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti, Marte Gracia, and VC's Travis Lanham, starts with a massive surge of energy engulfing New York City. As Doctor Strange observes the event, he engages in a conversation with his mysterious ally about the eternal battle between good and evil in which they find themselves entangled. When directly asked about his allegiance in this fight, Doctor Strange provides an elaborate reflection on his role before affirming that he fights for good. However, when Strange poses the same question to his incredibly powerful companion, Wyn merely ponders aloud whether anyone can discern the difference anymore.

What is Marvel Comics' G.O.D.S. - And Who Are Its Main Players?

Unveiling Marvel's Mythical Deities - Discover the Powerhouses!

Although G.O.D.S. #1 provides fans with their first comprehensive look into the world of the series, the key players have already made appearances in previous Marvel Comics. Among them is Wyn, also known as Ser Redwynn, who serves as the Avatar of The-Powers-That-Be, an ancient entity in charge of all things mystical and unusual. Wyn assumed the role of Avatar over a thousand years ago, faithfully protecting the universe despite occasional reluctance. However, recent events have left him questioning his role and purpose in the vast expanse.

Interestingly, Wyn's role as the Avatar of The-Powers-That-Be is just one half of the larger mythology introduced in G.O.D.S. The other half revolves around The-Natural-Order-of-Things, which stands in direct opposition to The-Powers-That-Be. The-Natural-Order-of-Things oversees everything that is purely and scientifically perfect. Unlike The-Powers-That-Be, which has a single representative, The-Natural-Order-of-Things is represented by the Centum, consisting of one hundred immortal individuals known as Centivars. These Centivars are equally efficient in their duties as the Avatar, but due to a long-standing rift, cooperation between the two factions has been nonexistent for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things are inherently conflicting, resulting in a war that spanned countless ages before finally reaching the current fragile truce.

How G.O.D.S. Is Reshaping the Marvel Universe from the Inside Out

Unveiling Marvel's Mythical Deities - Discover the Powerhouses!

Unfortunately, the ceasefire did not prevent Wyn's marriage to Aiko Maki, a Centivar, from deteriorating forcefully. It also did not resolve the conflict between The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things. Only when the threat of the Proto-Mage known as Cubisk Core emerges, do the members of Centum put aside their disdain for the Avatar and come together to save the world. Along the way, Wyn has a friendly reunion with Doctor Strange, but he is not welcomed by the Centivar, especially his former wife. While this may make sense considering the immortal conflict, it is strange considering the Centivars' acceptance of Doctor Strange.

It is only after the defeat of Cubisk Core that Aiko shows any affection for Wyn, reminding readers of the love that still exists between them. However, their fleeting kiss is overshadowed by the fact that Aiko must leave Wyn and return to the Centum, which is a tragic outcome. It is certain that they will cross paths again in challenging circumstances, but there is uncertainty regarding how the status quo between them will change. In fact, G.O.D.S. has called into question the significance of the existing status quo in the Marvel Universe, potentially exposing it to more ancient conflicts and danger in the near future.

Where G.O.D.S. Is Taking the Marvel Universe Next

Unveiling Marvel's Mythical Deities - Discover the Powerhouses!

The introduction of The-Powers-That-Be, The-Natural-Order-of-Things, Avatar, Centum, and Cubisk core brings groundbreaking concepts. However, these are not the most significant developments offered by G.O.D.S. Instead, it is the fleeting references in G.O.D.S. #1 that hold the greatest implications for the future of the Marvel Universe. Aiko and Wyn explain that the dichotomous relationship between gods is not limited to those they work for. This suggests that even Marvel's Elder Gods and cosmic entities like the Phoenix Force and Eternity have opposing counterparts. It is also possible that gods like Thor and the Asgardians have their own oppositional counterparts. While some argue that some of these beings have already encountered their opposites, there are still numerous Marvel gods who have yet to do so. G.O.D.S. has the potential to alter this reality, possibly for the worse, in a way that fans may not anticipate.



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Editor: Nia

Hi, I'm Nia, an enthusiastic devotee of Japanese anime, manga & game. I cherish the artistry, emotional depth, and fantastical journeys they offer. Join me in exploring these captivating realms where dreams and reality intertwine!

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