
Why Disney Hides Percy Jackson’s Most Obvious “Reveal” From Episodes 1 & 2

Exploring the subtle hints and delayed reveal of Percy Jackson's parentage in the Disney+ series

Leah Jeffries Shines as Annabeth in Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Leah Jeffries, the talented actor portraying Annabeth in the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians adaptation, has faced online abuse and comparisons to previous Annabeth actor Alexandra Daddario. Despi...

Who Is 'The Voice' & Man In Percy's Nightmares? Episodes 1 & 2 Set Up Major Future Villain

The first two episodes of Percy Jackson and the Olympians provide tantalizing teases of a significant villain for the show's future. Here's a closer look at the man in Percy's nightmares and his conne...

The Young Percy in Percy Jackson & The Olympians: A Closer Look

A deep dive into the portrayal of young Percy Jackson in the Disney+ TV show adaptation of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians book series.

Unveiling the Epic Creation of the Underworld in 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians': A Visual Feast!

Discover the secrets behind the creation of the mesmerizing underworld in 'Percy Jackson & the Olympians' VFX supervisors Erik Henry and Jeff White delve into their challenges and reveal how they succ...